Leading Prep School in New Malden, Surrey

Westbury House School is Surrey’s leading Prep Schools taking children into our nursery at 2 and preparing them for the senior school of their choice at 11.

Westbury House School has built up positive links with many of our local secondary schools and work closely with those Grammar and Independent Schools to ensure our pupils are best prepared when it comes to this transition in their studies.

We are incredibly proud not only of the academic success that all of our pupils achieve but also of the many opportunities that exist for them both inside and outside the classroom. The success of our school is based on the positive working relationships that exist between the school and home.

We encourage involvement and engagement not only with our parents but with the wider community that our school exists in which sees local organisations making use of our facilities as well as providing our pupils with unique experiences at the school.

We treat every child as unique and extend this same treatment to each of our parents which leads to a bespoke experience for our entire community.

Welcome from the Headmistress

Our prospectus can be accessed below: